How to Complete Return Request from Jet via goFlow
September 21, 2017
In this guide, you will learn to accomplish the following things:
- Check customer return items in Jet Order
- Review all Jet's return merchandise in goFlow
- Receiving the return in goFlow and to complete the return
In Amazon or eBay, all the return requests and refund features are accessible within the seller dashboard and everything can be processed in just a few seconds, however, in contrast, when you are using Jet Order platform, these features don't come very handy. You need another tool like goFlow to process the refund of the return merchandise.
1. Login to Jet Partner Portal as seller:
2. Make sure your Jet Partner is set to Live not test mode.
3. In the dashboard, go to Orders > Returns tab
4. Select one of the returns and verify each Tracking Number ( copy and paste the tracking # to carrier's website to the track the package).
Tracking return item in FedEx |
5. Verify if the item has been delivered back to your warehouse and get the merchant SKU.
6. Login to goFlow and go to Returns and search the merchant SKU (choose Item Number as the filter).
7. Once you found the order, open it and in the right corner, activity section click Receive.
8. Enter the number of the Received item by clicking the "+ " icon and click Next.
9. Click Save and the return status will become “Return in Full". –This means the return is already complete and customer refund has been issued.
Don’t be surprised. Searching the specific return in goFlow need patience when there are other returns with same merchant SKUs. You need to go through each return and determine which one you're actually looking for by comparing quantity and item cost toe to toe. Also, you can’t use customer name or order # to search in goFlow.
If you accidentally close the return in goFlow, you can still re-open it by contacting the goFlow’s marketplace support team.