
Solved : Your IMAP Server Wants to Alert you to the following : cannot remove system folder

Have you been recently distracted so much by this Outlook error ? Don't worry you're not the only one having this issue in the world. According to Netizens, this error randomly affected lots of Outlook 2013 and Office users for sometime and our guide below is the tested remedy so far.

Steps to Fix IMAP Server Error: cannot remove system folder

1. Back up your Outook contacts. Follow this guide from Office 365 : https://kb.wisc.edu/office365/page.php?id=38438

2. Close your outlook after back up is done

3. Search this path in your Windows:


4. In the address bar of windows explorer and rename your outlook folder. Restart Outlook and let it rebuild the data file.

Just rename the Outlook folder to anything

5. Your done! Your Outook emails will start syncing normally.

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