
Sick but Still Blogging….in Mind!

Hello my friends, bloggers, readers, followers, fans, stalkers and even admirers.lol…(“pamati, pagsure Bennix!”hahhahah). Just to say Hello there….I am back by God’s grace. I am totally offline yesterday because a certain virus attacked me (merecy, you are using expired AV!). I suffer a cute headache due to over fatigue; stress plus the weekend hang over. Hang over? Yeah, hangover due to laborious week days in both office works and blogging as well. As a Network Admin, I always face computers over 9 hours daily plus doing my part time job outside really gives me a little prize yesterday but I don’t regret it’s a part being a productive human. Do you agree?
The Sleepy Blogger Cat
I have just taken my one day total rest-no computers and strolling around-sleep all day long. While resting my mind still boggling me what to write this week, something like a killer post, a post that would drive more audience and feedbacks. Something like viral as what my friend quoted it up.lol…

I was surprise when I get woke up and watch TV after around 5PM, the news is about the hanged puppy in the clothesline. Oh no, the picture was posted firstly posted at Nuffnang’s Innit and I blog it also in YouSayToo then, I share it on FB where it my friends put a hot comment about it.lol….

Well, that photo stirs my conscience because I am a pet lover too. In fact I add my description on the picture” Is this is cute or pet brutality?” to condemn the torturing of the said pet. . The alleged uploader of the photo asks a public apology but the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) is on their thorough investigation of the case. They said that aside from paying a fine of 1,000 to 5,000 pesos, the violator will also be punished with 6 to 2 years of imprisonment. Sorry for him.

Lesson learned:
The photo was uploaded by a blogger maybe he doesn’t intend to torture the pet as stated, he do this for fun in removing the fleas after bathed but this things created a big controversy and will resulted to legal punishment unexpectedly. 

The lesson here is that we, being a bloggers we must beware of what we are posting online. We are citizens govern by laws and we must stay responsible for our actions.
 Indeed, he made a viral post . Imagine it sparks on Facebook, blogosphere and as well as on TV but it is a kind of a bad jot where we must avoid happening it again..
“In everything we must take it slow but sure and lasting”.

Before you ended up you’re reading on this corny post. I would like to say stay tune because this month or in July, Brothersoft and Bennixville will held a little contest. Just to cheer up everybody, pls. you always come back here…:)
Thanks to my GF for being supportive all times. Also, to William Correy, Kira, GianFaye, WAN and Christian-they’re my blogging buddies. Keep up the good work!

***Image credit goes to WingsofDragons of DeviantArt.com***